Requirement High Rez Pack Improved Pack
VRAM (Video Memory) At least 8 gigabytes At least 3 gigabytes
Free Storage Space 5.4GiB 1.8GiB

Q: What version of Arctic Edge does this pack support?

A: This pack only supports the European PSP [UCES01250] release of Motorstorm: Arctic Edge

Q: 60fps?? How?

A: In the Downloads page, if you scroll down there's a link to an .INI file containing cheats that patch the game to run at a higher framerate etc - to install cheats please read this forum thread on how to install them!
Please do note that running at 60fps *will* break the startup movies (but not main menu anymore, shoutouts to quadruple!) and pretty much everywhere else that uses... movies.
You can go into the cheats menu to disable 60fps patch and mix and match the patches to your liking, tho!

Q: What are these .sh and .py files inside the texture pack?

A: Those are scripts I used to create this pack, I left them in as they don't take up space and might be useful for someone. Feel free to remove if they bother you.

Q: Why are you using quotation marks when refering to the packs?

A: These packs were mostly automatically generated by upscaling them with publicly available tools (see for more info) - Calling them "HD TEXTURE PACK"'s just feels dishonest tbh.

Q: Will either of the packs run on Android?

A: TLDR: Probably not.

Q: PPSSPP Crashed when I joined a race!?

A: You most likely have the "Disable bloom effect" and "Performance/Resolution fix" cheats enabled - disable them and try again - allthought they work for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.